Practical implementation of elements of the education quality assurance system


Dear Colleagues,

we are all united in our desire to improve the quality of education in order to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of both our students and the country. We want to be successful in our teaching activities and we know that the main condition for this is the quality of our work. Most of us struggle with what approaches and tools to use to make this task easier for ourselves. We sincerely want to develop and improve the quality of our program and the discipline we read, but we forget that quality requirements change regularly and continue to rely on inefficient approaches. Meanwhile, it is important to understand that in order to consistently improve the quality of education, it is necessary to establish a system and adhere to a clear action plan. In addition, it is very important that the system is effective, has the right components, and allows us to achieve our goals. We invite you to discuss this topic on April 22 within the framework of the training “Practical implementation of elements of the education quality assurance system”.

The purpose of this training is to increase the competence of participants in building an internal and external quality assurance system in an educational organization.

In more detail, within the framework of the training, our goal is:

• To form students' understanding of the aspects of building a quality assurance system in education;

• Study the model of the quality assurance system;

• Expand knowledge about the specifics of implementation and the differences between internal and external quality assurance systems;

• Build participants' understanding of aspects of culture of quality in education and culture of teaching.

The training will last from 10.00 to 17.00 at the Agency's office at the address: microdistrict 8, building ½.

For all questions, please contact: 0770900820 or email


EdNet Agency's office

Date and time

22.04.2022 04:00


Баширова Масума Ильясовна



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